Yes it has been a long time since I have posted anything at all. My apologies, you may all take me out back and tar and feather me if you like. :)
Not to much has happened in the last few months. We went trick-or-treating with our very dear friends and the boys got me . . er, I mean got themselves a bunch of candy. 

Zackarie was a very scary skelleton warrior.
And Johnathan was a fierce looking ninja.
Our friends' daughter went as a beautiful but scary (of course) devil queen. Our men didn't dress up and neither did I, altho Chryssy had some cool bright blue contacts that I wore, while she went dressed in a full Winnie the Pooh costume. She looked fantastic and the other parents and kids out thought so too. She even gave out some hugs to the smaller kids. Total cuteness. I am so dressing up next year.
As for cooking, I really havn't made anything fun and exciting. Dinner is about it for us lately, and even at that, Greg has been making most of that. Hopefully all that will start changing.
We have a family night with our friends every Thursday. We go over have dinner, dessert, and watch Heros. So for this week I think I will make chocolate-carmel cupcakes. Not to sure how I will construct them yet, I have a few ideas. I will post pics when I am done.