On Saturday our laptop finally went all the way down the crapper and we went out and got ourselves a new fancy desktop. Not to shabby, more than I wanted to pay but beggars can't be choosers, right? The boys and Greg are happy with it, so by extension I am too.
I also made my little cupcake pops that I saw on HowAboutOrange. It went well, altho I didn't realize how long the process actually takes, so I didn't make a whole bunch, but I did freeze the rest of my cake mixture (I have had good results with freezing batter before). Here is the first pic of the mixture and the few balls I rolled, I also out some in a shallow dish so I could use some cookie cutters.
After they sat in the freezer for a bit I used a small candy mold that is shaped for peanut butter cups and filled about half way with melted chocolate and put a small cake ball in the middle, I also cut some flowers and leaves out of the shallow dish. I put sticks in the flowers and put them back in the freezer (it was really hot this week and everything was melting just being on the counter, so most of the stuff sat in the freezer when it wasn't being used right away) after the mold had it's chocolate and smalls cake balls :) in it I put it back in the freezer. I heated up some diff colors of candy melts and go my sprinkles out.
I dipped the flowers in either pink or purple candy and the leaves in green. They needed to be held up in the fridge so they can harden again but since I forgot to get some Styrofoam at the craft store and it was way to hot to keep leaving I came up with a brilliant idea!!
I used a strainer to stick the sticks in. I worked really great! for the cake balls in the molds, I took them out and stuck a stick in them and dipped the tops in white candy melts then added sprinkles or whatever. I was rather happy with the way they came out. I was gonna do a bunch more but everything was melting so quick from the heat I was covered in cake and melted chocolate just from the ones I did. But all in all it turned out great, and I am totally gonna do the rest of them. Here is the finished result with little bags and a ribbon.
And yes they are being help captive in my freezer until they meet their demise on Monday when I take them to work.
Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!
1 comment:
This project is so beyond awesome. The results were great and I've told a few people about them and they seem like they'd be willing to buy up a few! Way to go, I'm so proud of you! :)
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