They all were part of my weekend. On Friday we just kinda hung out a bit let the boys play outside and paid bills. Normal stuff really. On Saturday it was pretty nice out and I wanted to get out of the house, so I made some PB & J and a few cheese sandwiches and we swung by the store grabbed some drinks and we headed off to the Mt. Talbert hiking trails, there is a trailhead about 1-2 miles away from our house. It was really nice, the weather was perfect and it was quiet. Me and Greg were really excited to finally get out of the house and go visit nature a bit. The boys for the most part were OK, Zack didn't really want to go, he would have much rather sat at home and watched cartoons or rode his bike outside, so most of the way he wouldn't really walk with us, instead he chose to walk up ahead. He saw a branch hanging down in the middle of the trail and figured it would be a good idea to give it a little shake and a brief hang on it, when he let go he whacked him right in the middle of the forehead and gave him a small quarter-size bump. For some reason that and the fact that he did manage to find a big slug that he poked for a bit, seemed to make the hike a bit better. I will never understand kids. Johnathan just went along and didn't complain about anything because he was too busy trying to be trail master. It seems that last year his class took a small hiking trip and went to the same place, so while we took a much longer route he was still convinced that he knew every turn, rock, leaf, and tree. All the while telling us "see I told you there was a turn here" "I have been here before, see" Ah, gotta love a kid who thinks he is right all of the time, no matter what.

After the hike and lunch we went to get a few groceries and then BBQ'd some steaks at home. It was a pretty decent day, good weather and even better company.
Sunday my mom called and wanted to know if we wanted to go do anything, I told her that I was sickish not really feeling up to it, but it was nice out and school is gonna start very soon. So I asked her if she wanted to go to Oaks Park. The weather was really nice and the boys are always super excited to go, so off we went. Greg and Zack were the brave ones, me and Johnathan went on the slower rides, my stomach couldn't have handled much more. Just when it was getting time for us to start wrapping up our visit, it started to sprinkle and rain a bit. Which I think was a blessing, cause not only did the rain feel really nice but no one had to be the bad guys and tell the boys we have to go home since it was raining they were closing most of the rides. That made a nice ending to our day, no grumpy boys. I was still feeling pretty sick and seemed to be feeling worse, so we didn't do much that night. I couldn't even bring myself to get up and my the cupcakes that I not only promised to my co-workers but that I was supposed to take pics of and blog about.
Sunday night dragged on and I decided that I would be better off staying at home Monday. fast forward through a whole lot of doing nothing and then I finally made the Spanish Orange Syrup Cupcakes Monday night.
I need a week-long nap.
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