Friday I got the boys a bit early from there dad's house and we went and had lunch with Greg and then we went school clothes shopping. I was really glad that we got it all done in one trip, and didn't have to stretch it out over the weekend. They picked out some good things and were very please with their bounty. When Greg got off work we went to the mall and wandered around just in case there was something else that the boys needed. They didn't find anything they needed so we settled on a mall dinner and and some more wandering and then back home.
Saturday we went to the craft shop to get the foam core board and the other things needed for our craft project. This is where I got the inspiration. Then we took the boys out for a "I can't believe you and gonna be in 2nd and 4th grade already" lunch at Old Chicago. It's always nice when we take the boys out for a nice lunch.
I also decided to give World of Warcraft a shot this weekend and see what all the hype is about, and for you out there that like role playing games once in a while, this one is a well rounded game. I thought there was way more gore and whatnot but it's actually fairly decent. I was surprised that I like it as much as I do. The boys played outside with friends and me and Greg hung out in the house. We made out wall art projects and Zack had a melt down. Post is on it's way.
Sunday we didn't do much of anything. Went grocery shopping, did laundry, kids played, and we cleaned up a bit. I made my something delicious, but it wasn't chocolaty like I had planned on before. I ended up making cinnamon spice cupcakes with a sweet cream cheese filling. For dinner Greg made hamburgers out on the grill, I choose turkey for mine since it's slightly less on the fat scale, but the rest of them had beef. They turned out to be the best damn burgers that I have ever had. Yes we both took pics of our creations. Post on those is coming soon also.
Monday was spent getting ready, doing more laundry, relaxing a bit, and yes of course playing some World of Warcraft.
Over all it was a good weekend, altho I could have did without the meltdown from Zack but what can I expect, he is almost 8 and wanted pizza. Oh well.
I plan on having the cupcake/burger post tomorrow and our wall art post on Wednesday.
I would love to know how your labor day weekend was spent. Don't be shy, come drop me a line or two.
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